Friday, June 14, 2024

24 The Winery at Sunshine Ridge Farm and The Winery at La Grange

1) The Winery at Sunshine Ridge Farm (Location: Gainesville, Virginia)

The Winery at Sunshine Ridge Farm is a scenic vineyard located in the heart of Gainesville. It offers a tranquil setting with beautiful views of Lake Manassas, making it a popular hangout spot rather than solely a destination for wine tasting. Although you might expect to see grape vines, there are none here.

The tasting room is spacious and welcoming, featuring rustic, farm-inspired decor. We sat on what my friend called "Grandmom's Couch" in front of the fireplace, enjoying some apple ciders and BBQ ribs before tasting their wines (there are two food trucks outside the tasting room). This winery not only provides wines but also apple ciders and beer, which seemed more popular with the customers.

We walked around the lawn to the lake, taking in beautiful views and sitting on the grass while enjoying the live band playing in the background. A couple sitting next to us recommended visiting the Winery at La Grange, which is close by. So, we did.

2) The Winery at La Grange (Location: Haymarket, Virginia)

The Winery at La Grange is situated in a historic estate in Haymarket. In contrast to the Winery at Sunshine Ridge Farm, it is small, quiet, and intimate. We sat by the fireplace overlooking the grapevines and enjoyed their wine with some cheese and crackers until the winery closed at 6 PM.

The property features a manor house built in the 18th century, providing a charming and historical backdrop for wine tasting. 

23 Washington, DC Pershing Park/World War I Memorial

Pershing Park, now home to the World War I Memorial, is a historical site in Washington, D.C., commemorating American soldiers who served in World War I. (Address: Pennsylvania Avenue NW between 14th and 15th Streets, Washington, D.C). It is close to the White House and the National Mall, making it easily accessible to visitors exploring the area.

Pershing Park was originally dedicated in 1981 and named after General John J. Pershing, the commander of the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I. The park was designed by architect M. Paul Friedberg and included a statue of General Pershing, a fountain, a pond that converted into an ice rink in winter, and landscaped areas.

In 2021, Pershing Park was rededicated as the National World War I Memorial, coinciding with the centennial of the end of World War I. The memorial honors the 4.7 million Americans who served in the U.S. armed forces during World War I, including the 116,516 who died and the 200,000 who were wounded. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

22 Brighton Dam Azaela Garden

Brighton Dam Azalea Garden is a beautiful garden located near Brighton Dam in the Brookville area of Montgomery County, Maryland, known for its stunning azalea displays.

The garden is home to a wide variety of azalea plants, which bloom in a spectacular array of colors each spring. The Brighton Dam Azalea Garden is a favorite spot for photographers due to its breathtaking scenery and vibrant colors during azalea bloom season. Azaleas have about two weeks of peak bloom time (normally first two weeks of May). During this period, each day reveals new colors on display. However, after the azaleas are gone, there are no other flowers blooming at any other time. This set of photos were taken on April 24, 2024 (This year, them bloomed earlier).

Sunday, November 19, 2023

21 Embassy Row - Around the World Embassy Tour

Embassy Row, also known as Massachusetts Avenue Historic District, is a prestigious and iconic section of Washington, D.C. It is renowned for its concentration of foreign embassies, diplomatic residences, and cultural institutions. This historic district stretches along Massachusetts Avenue NW, from Dupont Circle to the United States Naval Observatory. Here are some key features and points of interest related to Embassy Row:

The architecture along Embassy Row is striking and diverse. You can find a wide range of architectural styles, including Beaux-Arts, Georgian Revival, and neoclassical designs, among others. Many of the buildings are grand and ornate, reflecting the diplomatic significance of the area.

Embassy Row is not only a diplomatic center but also a unique cultural and architectural destination in Washington, D.C. It allows visitors to explore the diverse cultures and histories of nations while admiring the grandeur of the buildings that line this historic avenue.

Around the World Embassy Tour made its grand return to Washington, D.C. on May 6, granting locals an exciting opportunity to embark on a global journey through diverse cuisines, art, performances, and music from various countries.

After a pandemic-induced pause, this annual event surged back with remarkable vigor, boasting a record participation of 63 embassies and cultural centers this year.

I had the chance to partake in one of its weeklong Around the World Embassy Tour, experienced events hosted by six different countries' embassies. Despite the bustling crowds that filled Washington, D.C., the day proved to be an immensely rewarding experience.

Each embassy showcased unique programs, all centered around their country's food, culture, and merchandise. Some delighted visitors with delectable culinary delights and captivating entertainment, all offered completely free of charge. It truly encapsulated a special day in Washington, D.C., allowing us to immerse ourselves in the diverse flavors, cultures, and architectures of every represented country within the city's embassies.

Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco
Embassy of United Arab Emirates